The Lens

Nine Shifts in a Leader’s Perspective

How We View Things Changes How We Do Things. Leaders often make changes to organizational structure, strategies, and personnel without addressing the one thing that can radically transform their lives and their leadership: perspective. They often overlook this pivotal principle that will unlock and unleash their potential.

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Praise for “The Lens”

Effective leaders are always growing, always learning, always eager to sharpen their skills and have a greater impact. In this book, Kevin Scott opens our eyes to see our challenges with more insight, hope, and courage than ever before.
Muhtar Kent Chairman of the Board, The Coca-Cola Company
Kevin’s book is thought-provoking; both wide-ranging and practical. Anyone with any organizational responsibility would benefit from reading it.
Frank & Liz Blake Frank Blake, former CEO of The Home Depot and Liz Blake, retired Senior Vice President, Habitat for Humanity International
The Lens of Leadership gives us nine areas to see ourselves and our roles differently. I know my personal lens on leadership is much clearer now. Every leader needs to read this book!
Bob Somers Senior Vice President of Global Sales, Delta Air Lines
Five Stars

“thought-provoking; both wide-ranging and practical.”

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