Anyone who has ever traveled with me knows this (and maybe hates it). And to add insult to injury, I sometimes pack too much in the bag I am planning to check.Have you ever done this? You put your bag on the scale, only to have the attendant tell you your bag needs to drop a few pounds, or you’re paying a lot more. The ensuing process will drive you crazy. Running late. Not wanting to pay extra money. Not to mention how embarrassing it is to open your bag in front of everyone (including strangers), to show what’s inside, so you can sort through your personal property. Your anxiety builds as you don’t want to miss your flight, but you also don’t want to leave without the things you need. As I reflect on this process of unpacking and repacking, it causes me to consider what I am taking with me into this new year. No, I’m not just talking about literal items, but what baggage am I bringing with me into 2024?When we go on a trip, we need to have the right stuff with us, but it is possible to overpack. [highlight]There is even a degree of overpacking that can prevent you from getting to your destination.[/highlight] Over the next few days, you will likely receive an onslaught of messages pushing you to set your new year’s resolutions, but I want to encourage you to do something else first. Even though it can feel frustrating and embarrassing, spend some time thinking about the baggage that you need to let go of to lighten your load in 2024.Let go of your resentment from the relationship that went wrong this year.Let go of the family argument that happened over Christmas dinner.Let go of the frustration you have toward that coworker who drives you crazy.Let go of your regret from the business decision that didn’t work out this year.Leave the baggage of 2023 behind, and let go of everything that might prevent you from reaching your goals this year.Next year stands waiting, with all of its promise and potential. Decide today to lighten your load as you enter 2024.[ctt template="2" link="rdUdO" via="no" ]Decide today to lighten your load as you enter 2024. @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]I look forward to connecting with you, in person or virtually, in the coming year.