We are making plans and our calendars are filling up with what we hope to do. However, the only thing that is certain about this year is that some things will not go as planned. In our individual lives, challenges will inevitably arise, and obstacles will fall in our path.On the macro level, we could face broader challenges. It might be a new health scare, a new war, another surprising uptick in inflation, elevated political tension . . . more bad news.I’m not trying to start your year on a down note, so here’s the good news: [highlight]for leaders, uncertainty presents a unique opportunity for you to exercise your gifts, talents, and strengths.[/highlight] Think about it: It’s in challenging times that the world most needs bold, courageous leaders. Consider two heroes from history with me. During World War II, Winston Churchill used his ability to communicate to embolden and guide Britain through some of its darkest days. Without his presence, conviction, and ability to rally his people, their country may not have had the courage to do what needed to be done to win the war.Martin Luther King Jr. is considered by many to be the most consequential leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Not only did he use his gift of communication to stir the hearts of people to fight for a day when men and women “will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” But he also organized some of the most significant marches and protests of the movement.Leaders emerge most prominently when things are confusing and chaotic. [ctt template="2" link="5_8n1" via="no" ]Leaders emerge most prominently when things are confusing and chaotic. @KevinPaulScott[/ctt]This principle applies beyond leaders of countries and movements. It’s true in businesses, schools, and communities. In every group of people in the world, we need leaders to help us in challenging times. As you prepare for 2024, anticipate potential obstacles and prepare to lead when things are hard. Here are three actions of a strong leader in crisis:1. Stand up when others are sitting down. Strong leaders do not follow the crowd or base their actions solely on the approval of others. They allow their personal convictions and values to have the final say in their decisions.2. Develop a gritty mentality. Strong leaders have the mental grit necessary to push through difficult obstacles and make it out on the other side. They are like the Little Engine that Could. They keep climbing the hill saying “I think I can” until they reach the crest and cruise down the other side.3. Surround yourself with people who complement your weaknesses. This means that you put people around you who are strong in the areas where you are weak. None of us can lead well in isolation. We need a team of committed people to help us reach our goals.I hope 2024 is a great year for you. And I trust that when challenges arise and chaos ensues, that you’ll use your gifts to be a positive force. Don’t forget: the world is looking for leaders. And they might just be looking for you.