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Values Are Costly

August 31, 2021

Every organization has values. The good ones have them written down. The great ones actually live by them.

But there’s one thing most people forget about values: they cost you something. They wouldn’t be values if they weren’t valuable, and anything that has worth will cost you something to get.

What if a person, or a team, claims to value excellence? On the surface, it seems like your typical, run-of-the-mill value, that any organization would claim to aspire to. However, excellence comes at a price. Sometimes the pursuit of excellence requires you to sacrifice expedience. Excellence means you can’t cut corners. Doing something quickly is nice, but if we truly value excellence it might take longer.

Or take, for example, the value of grit. While every team would like to have gritty people, many individuals don’t want to forego an easier path. Being gritty means rolling up your sleeves and doing whatever it takes to get things done.

A question each of us should ask: what do I value so much that I’m willing to sacrifice for it?

The people we most respect have strong values for which they are willing to sacrifice.

Our military members sacrifice everything because they value freedom.

Educators sacrifice the opportunity to make more money because they value students.

Missionaries sacrifice the comfort of their own homes to move to foreign lands because they value their faith.

It’s not just individuals who make sacrifices for values, but purpose-driven organizations should be willing to, as well. When you say you value something, you are drawing a line in the sand and committing to give up things in pursuit of those goals.

That means when you have a high performer on your team who doesn’t fit your values, you must have the courage to let them go.

Every organization has values. The good ones have them written down. The great ones actually live by them.

I’m thankful to be surrounded by people who hold fast to their values. I saw it modeled by my parents, I see it on display daily at ADDO, and I see it at my church.

Here’s my challenge: Get clear on your values. Ground yourself in those values. And decide now that you will commit to those values, regardless of the cost.


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