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Fully Committed

August 27, 2019

Recently, during breakfast with a group of friends, the discussion turned to our routines, our commitments, and the disciplines we’ve integrated into our daily lives.

One of my friends travels a lot for work, but he prays with his wife every day. So even if he’s in another country and in a completely different time zone, they will pick up the phone and find a way to pray together. This surprised many of us, so we asked him why he was so set on making this happen even when it was challenging to maintain. His response to us was convicting and profound. He said, “It’s easier to do something 100% of the time than 95% of the time.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, I knew them to be true. He’s exactly right.

When we try to be mostly committed to something, it’s easy to find an excuse to get out of it. And if we find a way to forgo our commitment once, we’ll find a way to do it again until we’re no longer committed at all. It’s actually easier to be totally committed than mostly committed.

It’s easier to stick to a diet plan than to just “cut back” on unhealthy foods.

It’s easier to read the Bible if you plan to read it every day instead of just a few days a week.

It’s easier to save money if you stick to a budget rather than simply trying to spend less.

It’s easier to spend more time with your family if you put it on your calendar to protect it rather than to just try to leave work earlier.

This principle not only applies to our personal lives—it can also help us gain a right view of business.

It’s easier to keep customers coming back to the restaurant if the food tastes good all the time, not just some of the time.

It’s easier to retain your clients when they feel heard and cared for every time they call the customer service line, not just every once in a while.

Inside of your organization, it’s easier to stay on top of performance reviews if they are scheduled on a consistent cadence and put on the calendar in advance, rather than to try to make one happen at the last minute.

It’s easier to schedule the team retreat or offsite in advance and adhere to it even when the schedule is busy, rather than to adjust and reschedule every time it seems like you have other things to do.

To be clear, I understand we can’t always fulfill our commitments 100% of the time. That’s not what this means. Things happen.

This isn’t about a legalistic adherence to a commitment; it’s about mentally deciding to be all in on the commitments you make.

I believe being fully committed to something yields fruit and growth far beyond a half-hearted commitment. When you look at the things you do on a daily basis, wouldn’t you agree?

This week, consider how you can shift your mindset from mostly committed to totally committed. When you do, the results will follow.


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