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Exchanging Dollars For Difference

June 29, 2021

We are back this week with a topic that many people steer clear of: Money.

Before you tune me out, this is not a post about how to make money, save money, invest money, or even an article about that asks you to give your money away.

Rather, it’s about an essential exchange that requires you to put money in its proper place.

Check out the video below:


As I mentioned in the video – money isn’t bad. I know that money is essential. And I’m not advocating you try to have less of it. It’s more about the motivation of money and how it drives us.

In St. Augustine’s classic work Confessions, he explains the principle of “Disordered Loves”, and gives us a reminder to love the right things in the right order.

This week, think about the things you love – your family, your friends, your church, and hopefully you love your job. You might even love your car, the new pair of shoes you bought last week, and restaurant you’re going to eat dinner at tonight. Loving these things aren’t bad. But it’s important to put them in the right order. (If you said you love those shoes more than your spouse, I think we’d all agree you have a problem!)

Here’s the question: Are your loves ordered properly, especially as it relates to money?

Making money isn’t bad. But When confronted with the choice where you must choose between Making Dollars or Making a Difference, I hope you have the courage to make the exchange.


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