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Christmas Movies

December 17, 2019

One of my favorite things about this time of year is Christmas movies.

To be sure, there are plenty of things to enjoy during this season. I love the lights, the tastes, the smells, the gift-giving, and the fact that people are a little nicer to one another. However, Christmas movies hold a special place in my heart. We watch them year after year, but we don’t get tired of them. And I think I know why. Although these movies contain very different stories, each have that similar theme that keeps us coming back—redemption. Let me give you some examples.

A Christmas Carol: Scrooge starts the movie as a greedy, heartless curmudgeon, but through his encounters with the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, his heart is changed. He embraces Christmas, gives generously, and good triumphs over evil.

Miracle on 34th Street: The Santa Claus at a large department store points shoppers to a competitor where they could buy toys at cheaper prices. At first, the big business executives are outraged, but through the persistent humility of Kris Kringle, their hearts are changed, and they embrace the magic of the Christmas season.

Home Alone: As a grown adult, I still find so much satisfaction in seeing this little kid out-smart two burglars. One gets an iron dropped on his head, and the other gets shot with a BB gun.

Once again, the good guy wins over the bad guys.

The Grinch: He loathes the Whos of Whoville and tries to take away their Christmas. But the warmth of Cindy Lu Who changes him, and “the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.” He realizes Christmas doesn’t come from a store and joins in on the celebration.

Elf: Buddy the Elf’s dad begins the movie as an angry workaholic. But through his time with his long-lost son, his priorities change. He chooses his family over his career and even helps Santa’s sleigh fly with his Christmas cheer. 

And let’s not forget all of the Christmas movies that air on the Hallmark Channel. Even though they’re cheesy, they get millions of views each Christmas season. Why? They may be predictable, but they always end the way you had hoped. Everybody is longing for a story where good triumphs over evil—a story of redemption. Because in the world we live in today, it often doesn’t feel like the good guys are winning.

I’ve got great news for us this year: Redemption isn’t only found in the movies, it’s found in the very reason we celebrate this season. In fact, that story goes back more than 2,000 years ago to a stable in Bethlehem where the light of the world came and dwelt among us. 

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world…” – John 1:9

Because of that story, our story is forever different. Good truly does triumph over evil. The light entered into the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it. 


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