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The Easiest Part of My Job

June 20, 2017

I have the privilege of doing a lot of different things for work and, sometimes, I am on TV.

Recently, I went to a wedding with my wife. We were talking to friends we knew, stacking food on our plates, and enjoying our time together at this beautiful Southern wedding.

Suddenly, a guy walked up to me and said, “Hey, I think I saw you on Fox News last night.”

Admittedly, I was flattered and introduced myself, “Hey, I’m Kevin Scott. It’s nice to meet you. And, yes, I was on Fox last night.”

This stranger grabbed my arm and insisted he introduce me to his friends and family as “the guy on TV.” This exchange quickly turned from flattering to embarrassing, and even a little awkward. I realized that these people (or at least this one guy) were impressed by me and interested in me for one reason— that I’m on TV. And that small role I play, the part he was most impressed by, is by far the easiest part of my job.

Think about it. When I’m contributing commentary on a news station, I sit in a chair behind the security of a camera and lob compliments or criticisms toward people in the public eye—people actually doing something. Don’t misunderstand me. I enjoy doing this, but compared to the other aspects of my job, it’s easy.

The mundane tasks, the activities off camera, and things no one else sees are actually the most important contributions I make.

It’s the intentional conversations with a coworker that can offer encouragement or direction for them professionally or personally.

It’s the phone call I make to the payroll company that confirms my team members will get a check at the first of the month.

It’s the emails and calendar invites I sort through on a Monday morning that establishes my work load, and often our company’s direction, for that week.

It’s the meeting with a new customer that creates a lasting and mutually beneficial business relationship.

I like the stuff I get to do on TV, but at the end of the day, the most meaningful work that I do inside and outside the office is often the most mundane. Believe me, I understand the desire to be known and admired, but we must realize that focusing on fulfilling this desire should not be our primary goal in life.

The greatest work we do requires us to be faithful in the small, everyday, mundane tasks of life. It’s reaching out to the people around you at work, church, and home and understanding that the the kind word, the helping hand, and the consistent service is far more important than recognition and praise.

The easiest part of my job is not the most important thing I do, and I bet the same is true for you, as well.

This week, consider the most important things you do personally and professionally. In the most boring, frustrating, or mundane moments of your day, take heart that what you do matters and can make a significant, lasting impact.


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